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Issues under User submitted
tim test 2
THE WORLD'S PERCEPTION OF AMERICA: Did broadcasting the closure of 21 American embassies in Muslim countries show America's weakness to the world?
test w tim
test w tim
test sb 4:40 pm
test dj 5:13 pm, 7/2
test dj 5:10 pm, 7/2
test dj 5:05 pm, 7/2
test dj 4:55 pm, 7/2
test dj 4:50 pm, 7/2
test dj 4:50 pm, 7/2
Should Congress authorize refugee camps be set up in Syria so they can return to their homes after the conflict is resolved?
Mary had a little lamb, little lamb...
LIBYAN TERRORIST ATTACK: Did President Obama and his administration fail to protect the ambassador, consulate, and staff in Benghazi?
LIBYAN TERRORIST ATTACK: Did President Obama and his administration fail to protect the ambassador, consulate, and staff in Benghazi on 9/11/12?
LAME DUCK CONGRESS AND UN TREATIES/GLOBAL TAXATION: Should the lame duck Congress [which includes those who are defeated in the November election] approve any UN treates or conventions that will impose global taxes on the U.S. or limit its sovereignty in any way?
go, go!
Based on recent White House scandals, do you believe that Republicans have an increased chance to win state and federal elections in 2014?
Should Congress authorize refugee camps be set up in Syria so they can return to their homes after the conflict is resolved?
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