Daily Constituent Majorities Report
eVoiceAmerica provides this Report for FREE, as a public service to US Senators, House Reps, and POTUS.
These Elected Officials Can Use eVoiceAmerica's Constituent-Validated Majority Percentages to 1) Access Their Constituents' Personal Opinions Emailed Through eVA; 2) Learn Majority Percentages by Issues, and 3) See Their FIRST-EVER, Daily, Constituent-Generated Electability Percentages
eVoiceAmerica's (eVA) Data Source for the
Daily Constituent Majorities Report --
YOUR Validated Constituents, the American People.
Report Content: This Daily Constituent Majorities (DCM) Report contains the following constituent-validated information: issue question; personal opinions; constituent's full name, address, city, county, state, and zip code (zip+4 to enable exact constituent validation), email address (to grow your email list); scale of importance; Yes/No eVote majorities (details below); and Electability Percentages (details below). The data in red is in addition to the information required in your official .gov webform.
FYI: As a Member of Congress, your eVA Daily, Constituent Majority Percentages on issues and your electability will be public information published:
- On eVA's site,
- Through its subscription daily data reports to
- ALL Members of Congress and POTUS, and
- Major media outlets.
IMPORTANT! If your office is not currently receiving this FREE Daily DCM Report, please contact info@evoiceamerica.com with the name and email address of the staff member to receive this Report.
To understand how eVoiceAmerica.com provides its new, constituent-validated majorities, LET'S FIRST ANSWER THIS QUESTION:
What Is eVoiceAmerica.com?
eVoiceAmerica.com is a new, FREE, one-stop, non-partisan, take-action, political platform for Americans to easily email their personal opinions and eVotes to their Senators, House Rep, POTUS, and so much more...
How Your Constituents Use This Powerful, Take-Action Site
- All eVA users are provided a recurring list of their current, constituent-validated, elected reps, based on their address and zip+4 postal code, each time they login to generate their personal opinions. eVA updates this list quarterly as to all changes in Congress, so users never again need to look up their DC elected reps to submit their opinions.
- Users can search for and locate, using keywords/phrases, the issues of importance to them within eVA's current Issues List.
- eVA users can send one opinion to multiple elected reps simultaneously.
- Upon selection of an issue, they are taken to eVA's patented, opinion-submission screen below where they...
- eVote Yes or No in answer to the issue statement's question. (Using this feature, the eVA software calculates the issue-based, constituent, majority percentages contained in its data reports);
- Write their PERSONAL opinions, not prefabricated messages;
- Select which elected reps, from their personalized elected rep list, are to receive their opinions.
- Write their PERSONAL opinions, not prefabricated messages;
All user-submitted data is stored in the eVA relational database to generate this and other reports.
Using this opinion data, eVA generates four daily data reports:
- eVA emails the Daily Constituent Majorities Data Report (DCM) to each member of Congress as a FREE public service to its users, Congress, and POTUS
- Combined Congressional Coalition Builder (CCB) Daily Report (online subscription);
- With Congressional Electability Percentages (CEP) Daily Report (online subscription). All are detailed by these titles in the Products tab.
- Custom Data Reports to media and cause-based groups generated by the members of organizations subscribing to eVA's customized, issue-selection, Take-Action buttons.
All of these Reports are listed within the Products tab. Click the report of interest for a detailed description.
eVA's Constituent-Based, Power Punch to Congress:
After users submit their opinions to their selected elected reps, eVA --
● separates eVotes by issues ● calculates all eVotes into aggregated ● constituent-validated ● Yes / No majority percentages ● on all issues ● nationally, and ● by individual House Rep and Senator
NOTE: To protect the privacy of eVA users, all percentage data is aggregated and contains no personal, user information. The only exception is the DCM in which the same personal, constituent information, required for the reps' ".gov" webform opinion submission, is included in this report to enable members of Congress to validate constituency and reply to their constituents.
In addition, eVA's Majority Percentages Embody
Two Core Principles of Democracy
- The inclusion of a plurality of interests and values which includes all political parties; sexual orientations; and ethnic, economic, racial, educational, and religious groups;
- AND, ipso facto, the inclusive nature of the above-listed, cross-demographic sectors, prevents a "tyranny of the minority" on any issue.
Contents of eVA's Free, Daily Constituent Majorities Report (DCM)
- Based on eVA user-submitted opinions and eVotes, eVA then emails to EACH member of Congress, or their designated staff member, a FREE, daily, constituent-validated DCM Report.
- The content of the DCM is identical to the constituent-validated data provided within each elected rep's .gov webform, including the constituent's email addresses for Congressional replies and building each elected rep's email list.
- In addition to required, standard webform information, eVA's DCM provides the following, first-ever, essential, and critical information:
- Issue-based, majority percentages - These are the daily, eVote percentages, aggregated by individual issue, and calculated into majority percentages from all opinions submitted by all constituents for each member of Congress.
- Electability percentages - These are the daily percentages which are aggregated and calculated into majority electability percentages for each elected rep based on their constituents' Yes or No votes in answer to the question, "Would You Re-Elect Me Today?"
FYI: eVA also offers its Congressional Coalition Builder Report (CCB), by subscription, which compiles the DCM majority percentages for all issues for all members of Congress for use in building pre-vote, legislative coalitions.
CCB&EP Report combines the Congressional Coalition Builder (CCB) Report and Congressional Electability Percentages (CEP) Report into ONE subscription. For details on these two reports, see the Products tabs for these titles.