eVoiceAmerica’s FREE Blogger Take-Action Tool

Now You Can Know What Your Readers and Americans Are Telling Washington on Top Issues

This tool can mobilize your readers to:

  • Easily email their DC reps about top issues and
  • Get collective, daily top-issue Yes/No percentages based on your readers’ eVotes and national percentage data for comparison in your auto-send Daily Data Report.

View video entitled, “Intro to eVoiceAmerica’s Blogger Take-Action Tool.

Intro to eVoiceAmerica’s Blogger Take-Action Tool.

You can easily register below for Your FREE Blogger Take-Action Tool. To obtain the installation code for the above Take-Action Tool for your organization or blog site, complete the three fields shown below.

Upon installation of this tool on your site, you will receive by email a free, auto-send eVoice Daily Data Report/DDR (11:59 PM/PT) containing your site visitors’ Yes/No eVote percentages and national Yes/No eVote percentages on eVoiceAmerica’s Top Issues.

Organization or Blog name:
Organization or Blog url:
Report Recipient's Email address:
* = Required fields.

You will receive a welcome email with an installation code. Embed the graphic and installation code to complete installation. When your readers click the link, they will be taken to eVoiceAmerica’s home page where they click the “Take Action Now” button and follow the simple, step-by-step instructions.

Your Blogger Take-Action Tool Is…

By directing your readers to eVoiceAmerica,

  • They can easily email their DC reps AND be counted
  • They can also anonymously eVote Yes or No on their selected issue. This eVote is combined with all other eVotes on the same issue, calculated as a percentage, published on site, to you in your Daily Data Report
  • Your Daily Data Report provides percentage data as to how your readers are “eVoting” their DC reps on Top Issues as Yes/No percentages
  • AND, your Daily Data Report provides national Yes/No eVote percentages on Top Issues to compare them to your readers’ percentages.
  • They can use eVoiceAmerica’s “Would You Re-Elect Me” first-ever feature which empowers them to tell their elected reps daily if they would vote for them in 2014 and 2016. Only one vote per day is permitted by the site programming.

Your site visitor simply checks yes or no in eVoice’s template. They can do this as often as once a day, but only once a day.

The percentage results for the previous day are posted on site daily for the previous day (shown below).

Re-Elect Me Daily Data Reports: Using eVoiceAmerica’s national Re-Elect Me percentage data, our reps can know daily if their electability is at risk or if they are above 50% approval with their constituents. They can also know the same about all of their colleagues in the House and Senate.

To learn more about REM’s Daily Data Report subscription option, click the “Products & Services” tab > Would You Re-Elect Me.

Below Are 4 Great Ways to Use Your Blog to Make Your Blog a Take-Action Tool to Mobilize Your Site Visitors to Easily Email Their DC Elected Reps on Issues Important to You AND Get Free Top Issues Yes/No Percentage Data

  1. Educate Your Readers About eVoice and Get New Data: Create a blog post informing your readers of the benefits of eVoiceAmerica and encourage them to visit and register with eVoiceAmerica using your Blogger take-action tool link imbedded on your blog site. When your readers register with eVoiceAmerica through your eVoiceAmerica Blogger Take-action tool, all of their future Yes/No eVotes on Top Issues will be permanently tagged to your blog. All of their future eVotes will be included in your future email Top Issues eVoiceAmerica Daily Data Report as reader Yes/No eVote percentages on Top Issues.

  2. Grow Your eVoiceAmerica’s Top Issues Database: All of those with whom your readers share your eVoice blogger take-action tool, and who register with eVoiceAmerica, will also be included in and will grow your reader eVote daily Top Issues report data base.

    You can also copy and email your eVoice blogger take-action tool / link to your colleagues / readers so they can register for eVoice as your data-tagged readers. Your readers can also email your eVoice blogger link to their friends and family to register and use eVoice and they will also be tagged to your blog and included in your blogger data. This applies to all future recipients of your blogger take-action tool / link. A great, first-ever way to increase your sphere of influence.

  3. How to Use eVoice As a Take-Action Tool in Your Blog Posts: If you are blogging about the repeal of Obamacare and you would like to direct your readers to email their opinions to Washington on that issue, you can name a hyperlink to the eVoice opinion submission screen for that issue: Email Your DC Reps on the Repeal of Obamacare. By clicking this link within or at the end of your article, they will be taken to the eVoice opinion submission screen for this issue to easily email their Washington elected reps. The simple hyperlink process for doing this is described below. This process can be applied to YOUR top issue and changed as needed.

    Copy, print and store these simple instructions for future use. These are also explained in the above video.

    1. Go to the www.eVoiceAmerica.com home page
    2. Click the “Take Action Now” tab
    3. Locate Top Issue or other issue of choice via Topic > Subtopic > Issue of choice OR do a keyword/key phrase search for your issue of interest and select the issue of interest. You will then be on eVoiceAmerica’s opinion submission page for the selected issue.
    4. Copy the https:// url in the address field (ends in a number)
    5. Paste this url where desired in your article >
    6. Highlight the url and right click
    7. Select Hyperlink
    8. “Insert Hyperlink” screen appears
    9. Create display name in the top text box (e.g., “Repeal of Obamacare” or “Take action on this issue now.”
    10. Click OK

    When your readers eVote on Top Issues, you will receive your eVoiceAmerica Daily Data Report with their Yes/No and national Yes/No percentages.

The combined power of blogs, media, and organizations mobilizing their site visitors to email and eVote their opinions to Congress can result in eVoiceAmerica’s user opinion numbers to swell into the millions in real time and over time. Growing user numbers will grow the eVote percentage data and opinions to Congress, empowering your site visitors to create constituent majorities that Congress cannot ignore when voting on legislation relating to issues they care about.

For Other eVoiceAmerica Take-Action Tools: Click
“Products & Services” Tab for Subscription
Take-Action Tools with Enhanced Features to Mobilize Your Site Visitors and Enhanced Daily Data Reports for Real-Time Data to Offer Your Site Visitors.