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URGENT! THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE IS SCHEDULED TO SURRENDER THE U.S. CONTROL OF THE INTERNET TO MULTI-NATIONAL CONTROL ON 10/1/16: [Background: The Department of Commerce is preparing to handover the US-controlled and developed internet to a multinational organization which includes Russia, Iran, and China as of October 1, 2016. These totalitarian countries could have sufficient authority to limit free speech, block the sites and sectors they oppose, and impose taxes on internet usage. Further, only Congress can authorize the release/sale of federal property, not a government bureaucracy (Dept. of Commerce). Thus, this present “hand off” is unconstitutional.] TAKE-ACTION: Should Congress immediately assert its constitutional authority to block this transfer and retain U.S. internet control by passing the Cruz/Duffy bill, S.3034, which would keep the internet open, tax-free, and available to all?


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